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Searching "Guitar Compressors"...

...from "Carl Martin" at zzounds.com:

Name Carl Martin Classic Opto Compressor Pedal

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Description One day while Carl was adding some compression to a guitar track in his studio, he thought, why hasn't anyone built a small opto-compressor for guitarists? An optical compressor performs gain reduction control via a light source into a photo sensitive cell... as the light source gets brighter, the photo sensitive cell sends a signal to reduce dynamic range, or what becomes a compressed signal.
List Price $193.00
Sale Price $135.10  (30% off!) 
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Name Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter Pedal

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Description Carl Martin Compressor/Limiter has been specially developed to incorporate the same features and sonic clarity found in high-quality professional studio compressors. To achieve this they've incorporated a variable threshold, -variable compression ratio, -variable attack and release controls, and of course, a gain level.
List Price $385.00
Sale Price $269.50  (30% off!) 
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