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Searching "Electric Guitar Parts"...

...from "DiMarzio" at zzounds.com:

Name DiMarzio EP1201L 500K Long Shaft Pot

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Description The DiMarzio EP1201L custom taper long shaft pot for electric guitar is rated at 500kOm with a nut for fastening. Mounting hardware included by DiMarzio to make installing this potentiometer a snap. Modification of the extended planting bar. Get this for that project you've been wanting to complete.
List Price $11.50
Sale Price $8.95  (22% off!) 
Shipping $2.99

Name DiMarzio EP1300 Acoustic Guitar End Pin Jack

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Description Plug in your acoustic and let your audience hear your performance. The DiMarzio EP1300 end pin jack is great for installing or upgrading your existing output jack on your acoustic or classical guitar. Easy installation, mono or stereo capability and mounting hardware is included.
List Price $19.95
Sale Price $14.95  (25% off!) 
Shipping $2.99

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