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Searching "Acoustic Guitar Simulators"...

...from "Behringer" at zzounds.com:

Name Behringer AM300 Acoustic Modeler Pedal

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Description Having to switch out your trusty electric for an acoustic guitar in the middle of a set puts a real drag on your show's momentum. That's why Behringer created the Acoustic Modeler AM300, the pedal that transforms your favorite electric axe into a rich, resonating acoustic--faster than you can say the times, they are a-changin'.
List Price $49.99
Sale Price $24.99  (50% off!) 
Shipping $2.99

Name Behringer AM400 Ultra Acoustic Modeler Pedal

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Description Having to switch out your trusty electric for an acoustic guitar in the middle of a set puts a real drag on your show's momentum. That's why Behringer created the Acoustic Modeler AM400, the pedal that transforms your favorite electric axe into a rich, full-bodied acoustic faster than you can say--the times, they are a-changin'.
List Price $99.99
Sale Price $49.99  (50% off!) 
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